Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Do you ever stop to think about who you would be if you had made different choices? I mean there are some big things that are obvious like what if I had moved to San Francisco like I had planned when I graduated from USU ? I might be right where I am now or in a totally different place. . . What I have been thinking about though, are the small choices -- the ones that could have changed who I am not just where I am -- Like that day I knew I needed to talk to the missionaries. What if I had talked myself out of that? What if I had given in to roommates and friends in high school and college? What if I had patched things up the x-boyfriend . . . or what if I hadn't called it off to begin with? Who would I be? I look at my life and see how it is the sum of my choices. . . the good ones and the bad ones. I am happy where it has gotten me. I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be and there is such power in that. It makes be able to deal with adversity because I know the challenges I have are for a purpose and some how are for my benefit. I should be careful what I say or I might be tested with something big. All I know is that I am excited for the future. I can wait to view it all from hind sight so I can see how it all fits together.

1 comment:

Amanda, Jeremy and Lillian said...

I often , for some unknown reason, wonder what my life had been like if I were to have made different choices. And yes, the boyfriend one does come up. So weird to really think about. I guess I usually get thinking about it what I am home sick. Glad I am not the only one who thinks "what if". Good thing it's not "if only" !