Saturday, November 15, 2008

remember the wedding

So I was surfing the internet the other day and I stopped by the site of our wedding photographer. I clicked on a new link she has added called "featured", and guess what I saw . . . A whole collection of photos from our wedding. I feel almost famous. It's too bad I didn't get copies of all of the images she posted. That was the first time I had even seen some of them.

To check it out click here then click on "menu", "the art" and then "featured".


Tay and Teigan said...

Well with two pretties like you how could she not? That was a fun day.

Unknown said...

You really have the most amazing pictures. I was thinking the other day that I wish I had married Mark when I was old enough to have a brain, so my wedding would have been something I loved remembering.
miss you

Unknown said...

Sorry I am really Abby logged in a Mark :)

Nelson said...
