So I was surfing the internet the other day and I stopped by the site of our wedding photographer. I clicked on a new link she has added called "featured", and guess what I saw . . . A whole collection of photos from our wedding. I feel almost famous. It's too bad I didn't get copies of all of the images she posted. That was the first time I had even seen some of them.
To check it out click here then click on "menu", "the art" and then "featured".
So the elections are over and Obama will be our new president. At this time in our history I would ask you to join me in setting aside cynicism for a moment to recognize that we are experiencing history. We are a part of something significant. Whether or not you agree with Obama's politics, you cannot deny that he has been able to inspire so many. Inspiration leads to motivation and if he can motivate us, just think of what we are capable of doing for ourselves.
No matter the outcome of his politics, there will be positive change. Though I have never had experience the sting of racism, I know there are so many Americans who live under its oppressive thumb each day. The United States is an example to the world. The world can look at our history and see how far we have come. I know there are angels in Heaven with tears in their eyes as they finally see solid proof that their pain an suffering for basic human rights was not in vein -- that it paved the way. It's not just about black people. This moment in time is a symbol that as a human race we can grow and change and learn from our past. There are more mistakes that will be made and there is no doubt that the physical, emotional, and political devastation people experience around the world will not end in our life time. But at least we are reminded that there is hope that it can get a little better.
This really is a new day. I may be an idealist but I do believe in change. There will be a change in how we look at possibilities. It is difficult for me to have faith in a politician but what do I have to lose besides the opportunity to say "I knew he'd screw it up?" I'd rather have hope. I'd rather take the chance that some day I can say "I knew we could, and yes we did."